Stader X Saucer...
Stader X SaucerSwap Partnership Announcement
We’re excited to announce our partnership with @SaucerSwapLabs which will help users gain instant liquidity through a HBARX: HBAR pool or boost their yields by providing liquidity in the form of HBARX on SaucerSwap.
SaucerSwap is a Hedera-based DEX where liquidity pools are created by combining pairs of tokens coming from Stader and other ecosystem projects. SaucerSwap promises a secure, reliable, and rapid pathway to ‘a permissionless and trustless environment’ for a token-swapping platform.
While Stader allows users to stake their HBAR to mint HBARX (reward-bearing liquid token), which can be allocated to DeFi protocols for further rewards
SaucerSwap serves as an endpoint for HBARX liquidity from Stader as it offers a full suite of DeFi services including features such as swap, liquidity, farm, etc.
On SaucerSwap, users can provide liquidity in the form of HBARX to compound their rewards. In addition, SaucerSwap shall also provide a liquidity mining feature — enabling users to gain $SAUCE tokens for greater rewards.
We’re excited about what this partnership means for the future of HBAR staking and yield generation and look forward to keeping you updated with key news and milestones.
Learn more about SaucerSwap here.
Note — SaucerSwap dApp goes live soon. Upon the dApp going live, anyone with a HashPack wallet can swap tokens, provide liquidity, and farm to compound their yields.
Disclaimer: DeFi opportunities such as the one described above come with various risks including but not limited to smart contract and security risks. Stader does not control and has not audited any part of the partner protocol mentioned above. Users are advised to conduct their own research and proceed based on their own assessment.
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