Terra 2.0
Adding LP to Lu...
Adding LP to LunaX — Luna Pool
Here’s how you can add liquidity to LunaX-Luna LP pool.
Step 1:
To provide LunaX-Luna LP you would need to stake half the Luna balance with Stader Liquid Staking. This allows you to have a 50:50 split ready for the LunaX-Luna LP Pool (terra.staderlabs.com/lt-pools)
Step 2:
Pair up LunaX and Luna to provide liquidity to the LunaX <> LUNA pool. Click the add liquidity button which redirects you to here
Step 3:
Once you are on TerraSwap, you can add liquidity to the LunaX-Luna Pool
As an example Add 10 LunaX and the equivalent amount of Luna to make the pool.
Step 4:
You can monitor your SD rewards earned for providing liquidity on the Stader Dapp.
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