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Step 7: Register your node on the Stader network

Check the sync status

Please ensure that you are running the register command only after the Execution and Consensus clients are fully synced. You can check the sync status using ~/bin/stader-cli node sync

Register your node

To register you node on the Stader network run this command: ~/bin/stader-cli node register --on <operator name>

Please ensure to replace <operator name> with a name for your node in the command. It will be a variable, you can give any name to your node. e.g. mynode123


If you wish to have a separate operator reward address

By default, your operator address and operator reward address will be the same. However, if you wish to specify a different operator reward address, you can utilize the following registration command instead of the one mentioned above:

~/bin/stader-cli node register --on <operator name> --ora <any valid Ethereum address accessible to you>.

This command allows you to set a distinct Ethereum address as your operator reward address during registration.

(You can update your reward address anytime after node registration by following the instructions provided on this page: Click here)

Important Note

Node Operators are advised not to change their fee recipient address. The fee recipient address is the wallet where your MEV rewards are sent when a block is proposed by your validator.

If a Node Operator has opted into the socializing pool, the fee recipient address will be the permissionless socializing pool contract address. If a Node Operator has opted out of the socializing pool, the fee recipient address will be the Node EL Vault address provided by Stader.

The fee recipient addresses are monitored in real time. If any Node Operator changes the fee recipient address, it will be considered malpractice and an attempt at MEV theft. An immediate penalty of 1 ETH will be imposed on such validators, with 1 ETH being deducted from the Node Operator's deposit and given to the ETH delegators on Stader.